Travelling with the Master
A book review
I picked this book up at a seminar from Tenzin Wanyal Rinpoche. As I know the writer of the book. I felt the urge to know more about the writer trough his writings. Together with his teacher Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, they make a pilgrimage to the heartland of the Yungdrun Bön Tradition, in Tibet (China).
I met Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche last year for the first time, he is 94 years old, and he is one of these people who made me smile without knowing why. Such a heartful person.
The writer Florens van Raab van Canstein is one the first followers of the Tibetan Dzogchen Master Lopön Tenzin Namdak in the west. Lopon is the most senior teacher of Bon, in particular of Dzogchen and the Mother Tantras. Bön Dzogchen teaches the practice of Great Perfection as a way to enlightenment,
In the book they visit amazing power-places like monasteries, lakes, rocks, mountains and caves. These places are part of the Bön tradition and their stories.
They meet yogis who stayed in silence for many years and did not eat for 10 years. The yogis are all practitioners of Dzogchen, the great perfection or the path of self-liberation.
Florens integrates the preliminary practises of Bön Dzogchen and Dzogchen teachings together with the encounters of these mystical places and yogis.
This book is a very inspiring gem, packed full of wisdom from Dzogchen and Tibetan Buddhism from the Bön tradition. I highly recommend it, it was an absolute joy to read.
You can find the book: Travelling with the Master on amazon: here
You find a beautiful documentary about Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche: here

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