Who is Dhyan Meinoud
Meditation will give you so much:
- More resistant to stress
Picture of Dhyan Meinoud
- Living from your essence
- Better relationships with your family and friends
- Living without fear
- Be authentic
- Living from an open heart, in openness, much more in the present.
Dhyan Meinoud
Since 2003 meditation is part of me, and I have practised daily. In all this time there is never a dull moment. It started with ten days of silence, and the last few years I do long silent retreats 30 days and 59 days. There is a big difference between 10 days and 59 days of silence so more inner realisations. And still ten days or one day or just one hour or maybe 10 minutes it all makes a difference.
I started with Goenka Vipassana and changed in 2007 to self-inquiry (after visiting Tiruvannamalai en the ashram of Ramana Maharishi).
Last few years, I added Tibetan Bonpo Dzogchen meditation to my practice. Mostly because of the deep understanding of the natural state of mind.
You may say the natural state of mind is when you change your focus from attachment to thoughts to the background of stillness.
Besides meditation, I practise Hatha and Yin yoga, pranayama, Dharana and Dzogchen. I’m also a certified Yin yoga teacher.
“Silence is the encounter, in the moment, in the now, without resistance, without judgment, without the story.” -Dhyan Meinoud
Meditation in daily life
Meditation is not only sitting in on a cushion or chair. Observing your thoughts can be practised in any given moment. Especially when not sitting on a pillow. To use it in daily life, you need the practice and sit on a cushion or chair.
I followed dozens of 10-day retreats. Made a deepening in 2018 and made three long solo retreats of 30 days and 59 days in Mexico, Guatemala and India and in between some shorter guided retreats and spent a bit more than five months in silence in 2018.
I have travelled for years in Europe, Asia, Central America and visited several Ashrams and retreat sites. In 2005 I went by public transport from Amsterdam to India. Non-duality inspires me.
Trough the years I when to different retreats in several countries. See the list here.
My inspiration
Inspiration comes from many different teachers like Ramana Maharshi, Sahaja, Mooji, Llewelyn Vaughen Lee, Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, Prem Baba, Dzogchen, Hafiz en Rumi and many other teachers.
And most by practising meditation. You can read all kinds of books, but at the end or in the beginning, you have to find the Buddha in yourself.
“Inner silence gives peace, insight and inspiration to deal with the problems and challenges in the moment. Without offering resistance”.
– Dhyan Meinoud –
You can also follow me on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meinoud_dhyan_rijnen/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stilteweekend